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Film Coverage

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Choose Your Format
Short Film
Up to 20 Pages
Medium Short
21 - 60 Pages
Feature Film
61 - 130 Pages
+ $2 Per additional page
over 130
Choose Your Notes Package

Standard Coverage

3 Pages of Notes, including logline and overall commentary highlighting areas of Structure, Dialogue, Plot, Tone & Voice.


Extra Coverage

At least 6 pages of notes, including logline and overall commentary highlighting areas of Structure, Dialogue, Plot, Tone & Voice.

Plus notes on genre, market, and specific areas of development.

+ $30.00

Margin Notes

A PDF copy of your script with highly detailed notes tagged throughout the entirety of the document.

+ $50.00

Turnaround Time


1 Week

+ $25.00


48 Hours

+ $50.00

Choose Your Options.
Send Us Your Choices and Your Script.
Click HERE To Get Started!

Standard Timeline

2 Weeks


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