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Script Review Services

No matter how long we have been a writer, there's nothing more valuable to the creative process than having honest, constructive criticism. Script coverage can give the writer a productive analysis of their material and where it's strengths and weaknesses might lie. Our newly revamped coverage services offers more options, and a greater degree of specificity into what you need and what arena your script is in.

Step 1

Is Your Script for Film, or TV?

I'm Not Sure! Help!
If you're not certain whether your script is destined for the big screen or small, the first step could be to take a look at the page count. Feature film scripts are typically in the 85-120 page range. Scripts for television are traditionally 25-45 pages for half-hour shows, and 47-60 pages for hour long shows. Short films under an hour in length can be considered Film- Short film, scripts for the purpose of coverage.
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